Education Services

Library Instruction to Support Your Curriculum
DML’s Education Services can create library research and information management classes tailored to meet specific course objectives or assignments. Whether you are a student working on a research paper or a faculty member working to integrate informatics skills into your course syllabus, we can help. Contact DML Reference for more information.
Education Services requires at least 10 working days notice to develop a class.
The BACC features a computer classroom with 20 workstations. Faculty may reserve the room by contacting Benjamin Sussman. Please note that the room is open on a space available basis. Login with NetID and password is required to use the BACC classroom.
Orientation Sessions
Dahlgren Memorial Library (DML) offers a variety of library orientations to the GUMC, MGUH, and GU communities. Types of orientations include:
- General overview of DML resources and services
- New student, faculty, and staff orientations
- General overview combined with hands-on workshop
- Course-integrated orientation and instruction and library tours
DML Orientation Facts
- May be held in the Library, the Biomedical Academic Computing Center (BACC), or outside of the Library in campus classrooms, conference spaces, auditoriums, and other public areas
- Vary in length, anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours
- Format of orientations can be presentations, demos, hands-on workshops, and/or staffing an information table at scheduled events
To Request an Orientation
Requests for orientations must be made 48 hours or more in advance.
*Please Note: The start of the new academic year (June – August) is a high-volume orientation time for the library, so we encourage people to schedule in advance as much as possible.
In addition to library orientations, DML also provides tailored individual and group instruction. We are currently offering the following workshops:
January 31: Ovid 101 MEDLINE/Embase – This workshop guides you through the best practices of searching the MEDLINE and Embase databases via Ovid’s interface.
February 14: Ovid 102 APA PsycINFO – During this session, you will learn how to search this specialized psychology database.
February 21: AI/ChatGPT Workshop in Health Education from DML – As AI and ChatGPT are becoming more pervasive, this workshop will look at implementation in education, especially at GUMC.
February 28: Ovid 103 Validated Instruments – This workshop reviews how to search Health and Pyschosocial Instruments AND Mental Measurements Yearbook, two databases that will help you find validated instruments and research in which they have been used.
March 13: Copyright in the Virtual Classroom – This is the first workshop in our three-part copyright series and it will address the proper use of materials with copyright protection in academics, with extra attention paid to online education.
RefWorks 101 from DML – The basics of using this free online bibliographic management tool to collect, aggregate, & organize citations/articles relevant to your research and interests.
April 24: Reusing Images for Scholarship Purposes – The second workshop in the copyright series will help you better organize yourself and better clarify the permission request process for using images in your classroom or scholarly works.
May 1: PubMed Basics – This first workshop in DML’s PubMed series will help get users familiar with PubMed’s new interface and teach basic searching skills.
May 8: How Can I Protect My Work? – This third and final workshop in DML’s copyright workshop series will provide the basics about protecting your intellectual property.
May 15: Beyond Basic PubMed – This second installment of DML’s PubMed series builds on the PubMed Basics session and explores more advanced searching techniques, features, and citation management.
May 29: My NCBI and SciENcv – This is the third workshop in DML’s PubMed series, where you’ll learn more about creating a My NCBI account, how it helps with saving searches and citations, and creating customized search filters, as well as SciENcv which assembles the professional information tailored for federal grantors and reporting agencies.
Other workshops coming in 2024:
- Accessibility, making sure all of your students can access all of the materials from your courses or workshops
- More Data management workshops.
- …and more!
To request a customized workshop or if you have further questions, please contact DML Reference.
Help with Assignments
DML’s Education Services offers consultations for specific assignments, with the goal of helping you find the resources you need to complete your assignment. Contact DML Reference to schedule an individual consultation for yourself or a session for your group.
Reserves for Educators
Please contact to discuss course reserve requests.
Instructional Technology Help
Instructional Technology Design and Development (ITDD) supports GUMC faculty and staff who wish to enhance effective teaching methods with the latest learning technologies. Learn More about ITDD.
Upcoming Events
All Upcoming EventsCanvas, Part IV: CommunicationMar. 26
- 11:00 am
- Dahlgren Memorial Library Online (Zoom) Workshop
Beyond Basic PubMed presented by DMLMar. 26
- 12:00 pm
- Dahlgren Memorial Library Online (Zoom) Workshop
Utilizing Interactive Tools for Engaging Online Instruction, Part IIApr. 3
- 11:00 am
- Dahlgren Memorial Library Online (Zoom) Workshop
Utilizing Collaborative Tools for Engaging Online InstructionApr. 9
- 11:00 am
- Dahlgren Memorial Library Online (Zoom) Workshop
Canvas, Part II: Assignments, Quizzes, and GradesApr. 10
- 11:00 am
- Dahlgren Memorial Library Online (Zoom) Workshop