DML Operating Status – March 16, 2020

Posted in Announcements

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the University request to stay off campus, DML staff will move to telework status starting Monday, March 16th.

The physical library will not be open for study use until further notice.*

*with the potential exception of SOAP participants

Information Services Desk:
The Information Services Desk will be closed and there will be no key pick-up, room reservations, printer/copier/scanner or computer services.

Document Delivery Services:
The DML Document Delivery staff continue to submit requests during this time however,  be aware that the delivery of these articles may be delayed or that requests may not be filled due to closure at the lending libraries.  Print book requests cannot be filled at this time.

Reference help will continue via chat reference and email reference.  Consultations will be available via Zoom.  Please contact for assistance.

As DML resources have been 100% e-only for over a decade, DML is uniquely able to continue access to the collections during this time.  Please contact for assistance.

When possible, workshops will move to a virtual environment.

Please check the news section on the DML webpage ( ) for updates regarding the operating status of DML’s facility and services.

For more information on the University’s response to COVID-19 please visit