5MinuteConsult is moving…

Posted in Announcements

5MinuteConsult, a point of care decision support tool will be moving from UCentral to the Wolters Kluwer platform in 2020.  With the move, there will be additional content as well as organizational and navigational differences.

Highlights of the new platform include:

  • Algorithms & charts providing clickable links to diseases & conditions, lab tests, or drugs.
  • Printable patient handouts in either Spanish or English.
  • Robust A-Z drug entries focusing on the action and pharmacokinetics of the drug rather than purely on the disease it treats. Drugs can be searched either by name or therapeutic classification.
  • PT exercises along with videos and PDF handouts.
  • Disease and condition content in English and Spanish including ICD Codes and clinical pearls.
  • CE/CME credit available for materials viewed on the site

5MinuteConsult can be searched across all of the categories or by simply selecting one of the categories such diseases and conditions, procedures, algorithms & charts, drugs, PT exercises, lab tests, and patient handouts. 5MinuteConsult is provided as a stand-alone app and a website.

After January 1 2020, the UCentral version of this resource will not be available.

Get started now with the new platform: