READ 2011
Oz Aguirre
School of Medicine, Class of 2013
Georgetown University
Dave Canfield
W. Proctor Harvey Teaching Professor
Georgetown University
Mikey Cassidy
Executive Assistant to the Dean and Alumni Liaison
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Tico Cross
School of Medicine, Class of 2014
Georgetown University
Mary Furlong, MD
Associate Professor and Program Director
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Doris Goldstein, MLS, MA
Director, Bioethics Library
Kennedy Institute of Ethics
Yvonne Hernandez, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology
Donovan Johnson
GEMS, 2011
School of Medicine, Class of 2015
Georgetown University
Cameron Jones, MSc
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Ruben Khan
School of Medicine, Class of 2013
Georgetown University
Cy Kim
School of Medicine, Class of 2012
Georgetown University
John Lynch, MD
Professor and Chairman, Department of Urology
Colleen Norton, PhD, RN, CCRN
Associate Professor / Director BSN Program
School of Nursing and Health Studies
Georgetown University
Melissa Ogden
School of Nursing and Health Studies
International Health, Class of 2012
Georgetown University
John Pavlus, 2LT, USAF
HPSP / School of Medicine, Class of 2012
Georgetown University
Charles A. Read, MD
Professor of Medicine and Surgery
Pulmonary, Critical and Sleep Medicine
Aykut Üren, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Oncology
Georgetown University / Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center