Staff Presentations
This page contains links to posters and presentations created and delivered by Dahlgren Memorial Library staff members.
To view scholarly publications authored by Dahlgren Memorial Library staff, please view the DML Staff Publications page.
Staff Presentations 2025
- AAMC 2025: Emerging Technologies for Teaching and Learning: Digital Demonstrations Feb. 5, 2025
- AAMC Presentation
- Presenter: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP, Meghan Hupe, MSLS and Michael Belmont, MLIS
Staff Presentations 2024
- MLA 2024: Stronger Together May 18-21, 2024
- A Framework for Auditing Resource Access
Presenter: Linda Van Keuren, MLS DM/AHIP
- A Framework for Auditing Resource Access
Staff Presentations 2023
- NASIG Autumn 2023
- Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences Libraries
Presenter: Katherine Greene - Combining Demographic Based Usage Statistics and Acquisitions Costs for Budget Decisions
Presenters: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP and Michael Belmont, MLIS
- Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences Libraries
- OpenAthens Access Lab 2023
- Joining forces – Using Library Technologies to Provide Seamless Access
Presenters: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP and Mark Sinclair, Technology from SAGE
- Joining forces – Using Library Technologies to Provide Seamless Access
- ACRL MD’s Presidential Program on Student Worker Engagement, January 19, 2023
- How Remote Work Was Created For Student Assistants Presenter: Meghan Hupe, MSLS
Staff Presentations 2022
- MACMLA 2022: Choose Your Adventure October 23-25, 2022
- The impact of library instruction on medical student information seeking behavior
Presenter: Angela Barr, MLISc, AHIP
- The impact of library instruction on medical student information seeking behavior
- MLA 2022: Reconnect, Renew, Reflect April 27, 2022
- We’re All in This Together.. So SeamlessAccess Is a Thing, And The Browser is Changing, What do I need to Do or Know?
Authors: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP and Michelle Volesko Brewer, Wolters Kluwer, Learning Research & Practice
- We’re All in This Together.. So SeamlessAccess Is a Thing, And The Browser is Changing, What do I need to Do or Know?
- NC Serials Conference April 8, 2022
- Metadata Development for eBook assets in LibGuides
Authors: Katherine Greene, Linda Van Keuren, and Jett McCann
- Metadata Development for eBook assets in LibGuides
Staff Presentations 2021
- Linguamatics and Georgetown webinar October 20, 2021
- Using NLP Text Mining in Clinical Research and Patient Care (recording available to webinar participants only)
Presenters: Jane Reed, Linguamatics; Jonathan Hartmann, MLS
- Using NLP Text Mining in Clinical Research and Patient Care (recording available to webinar participants only)
- InCommon and GÉANT CAMP October 5, 2021
- Accelerating the Move to Federated Access for Library E-resources (recording available to conference participants only)
Presenters: Kelechi Okere, Elsevier; Meshna Koren, Elsevier; Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP; Andrew White, RPI; Ralph Youngen, American Chemical Society
- Accelerating the Move to Federated Access for Library E-resources (recording available to conference participants only)
- OpenAthens/TDnet Webinar September 28, 2021
- How Georgetown University Medical Center Rode the Pandemic Wave
Presenters: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP and Douglas Madigan, TDNet
- How Georgetown University Medical Center Rode the Pandemic Wave
- American Library Association Annual Meeting, NISO Virtual Presentation June 23, 2021
- Seamless Access: A Case Study on Remote Access
Authors: John Felts, Coastal Carolina University; Jason Griffrey, NISO; and Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP
- Seamless Access: A Case Study on Remote Access
- Computers in Libraries March 24, 2021
- Leveraging Federated Authentication: Simplifying Remote Access [PDF}
Authors: John Felts, Coastal Carolina University; Tim Lloyd, LibLynx; and Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP
- Leveraging Federated Authentication: Simplifying Remote Access [PDF}
- Electronic Resources & Libraries Virtual Event March 10, 2021
- Leveraging Federated Authentication to simplify remote resource access during the COVID-19 pandemic [PDF]
Authors: John Felts, Coastal Carolina University; Tim Lloyd, LibLynx; and Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP
- Leveraging Federated Authentication to simplify remote resource access during the COVID-19 pandemic [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2020
- SNSI Cybersecurity Landscape – Protecting the Scholarly Infrastructure October 22, 2020
- Library Patron Security and Why it’s Important
Author: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP
(recording requires free registration to view)
- Library Patron Security and Why it’s Important
- The Springer Nature Summit October 1, 2020
- Panel discussion: The State of SeamlessAccess
Panelist: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, DM/AHIP
(recording requires free registration to view)
- Panel discussion: The State of SeamlessAccess
- The Authority File Podcast
- Part One: The Online Scramble: Academic Librarianship in the Age of COVID posted on August 6, 2020
Guest: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP - Part Two: Fall Is Coming: Academic Librarianship in the Age of COVID posted on August 12, 2020
Guest: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP - Part Three: Finding Solutions: Academic Librarianship in the Age of COVID posted on August 26, 2020
Guest: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP - Part Four: An (Unprecedented) Look Ahead: Academic Librarianship in the Age of COVID posted on September 2, 2020
Guest: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP
- Part One: The Online Scramble: Academic Librarianship in the Age of COVID posted on August 6, 2020
Staff Presentations 2019
- MLA 2019: Elevate
- Elevating Instructional Media: mission, goals, and outcomes of a health sciences library’s digital instructional media working group [PDF]
Authors: Angela Barr, MLISc, AHIP & C. Scott Dorris MLIS, AHIP - Text Mining for Clinical Support [PDF]
Authors: Jonathan Hartmann, MLS and Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP
- Elevating Instructional Media: mission, goals, and outcomes of a health sciences library’s digital instructional media working group [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2018
- Teaching, Learning & Innovation Summer Institute (TLISI) 2018 and CENTILE Colloquium 2018
- Podcast Assignment on Canvas for GUSOM Year 2 CNS 1 Module [PDF]
Authors: Brent T Harris, MD, PhD & Taeyeol Park, PhD
- Podcast Assignment on Canvas for GUSOM Year 2 CNS 1 Module [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2017
- Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC) 2017
- Overcoming the Limitations of Quiz Design in LMSs for Enhancing Pre-Class Self-Learning in TBL [PDF]
Author: Taeyeol Park, PhD
- Overcoming the Limitations of Quiz Design in LMSs for Enhancing Pre-Class Self-Learning in TBL [PDF]
- E-Learn 2017
- Expanding the Mobile Compatibility of the Online Interactive Learning Tool [PDF]
Author: Taeyeol Park, PhD
- Expanding the Mobile Compatibility of the Online Interactive Learning Tool [PDF]
- Charleston Conference 2017: What’s Past is Prologue
- Who’s Using This Database? Leaving IP Authentication Behind [PDF]
Authors: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP; and Brandon Hudson
- Who’s Using This Database? Leaving IP Authentication Behind [PDF]
- 9th International Clinical Librarian Conference
- Reducing Diagnostic Error by Using DDx Support on Patient Rounds [PDF]
Author: Jonathan Hartmann, MLS
- Reducing Diagnostic Error by Using DDx Support on Patient Rounds [PDF]
- Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge
- Future-Proofing Acquisition Costs A Case for Resource Segmentation [PDF]
Author: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP
- Future-Proofing Acquisition Costs A Case for Resource Segmentation [PDF]
- Electronic Resources & Libraries
- Copyright Management of MOOC Resources in a Health Sciences Library [PDF]
Author: Katherine Greene, MSLS
- Copyright Management of MOOC Resources in a Health Sciences Library [PDF]
- Faculty Development Committee Meeting
- Resources for Research Networking and Colleague Connections [PDF]
Authors: Doug Varner, MS, MLS, AHIP; Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP; and C. Scott Dorris, MLIS
- Resources for Research Networking and Colleague Connections [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2016
- Answer Explanation Designs in Multiple-Choice Question Feedback for Aiding Pre-Class Self-Learning [PDF]
Author: Taeyeol Park, PhD
- Answer Explanation Designs in Multiple-Choice Question Feedback for Aiding Pre-Class Self-Learning [PDF]
- The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) 20th Annual Meeting
- Quizzing Options for Enhancing Pre-Class Self-Learning in Team-Based Learning [PDF]
Authors: Taeyeol Park, PhD
- Quizzing Options for Enhancing Pre-Class Self-Learning in Team-Based Learning [PDF]
- International Association of Risk Management in Medicine 5th World Congress of Clinical Safety
- Reducing Diagnostic Error Using Decision Support on Rounds [PDF]
Author: Jonathan Hartmann, MLS
- Reducing Diagnostic Error Using Decision Support on Rounds [PDF]
- Linguamatics Spring Text Mining Conference
- Evolution of I2E to Improve Patient Care [PDF]
Authors: Jonathan Hartmann, MLS; Guy Singh
- Evolution of I2E to Improve Patient Care [PDF]
- MLA Tri-Chapter Meeting
- BACC Squad to the Rescue!: How the BACC Squad Service Desk Improved Customer Service at Dahlgren Memorial Library [PDF]
Authors: Meghan Hupe, MSLS; Latoya Singleton, MSW, MSCJ, MSP; Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP; and Juan Kassar
- BACC Squad to the Rescue!: How the BACC Squad Service Desk Improved Customer Service at Dahlgren Memorial Library [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2015
- Linguamatics Text Mining Summit
- Extracting and Applying Information from Full Text Scientific Articles for Patient Care [PDF]
Authors: Jonathan Hartmann, MLS; Guy Singh
- Extracting and Applying Information from Full Text Scientific Articles for Patient Care [PDF]
- MAC-MLA 2015 Find Your Inspiration
- Ebook QR Codes: Digital Collection Promotion with an Unanticipated Benefit [PDF]
Authors: Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP; Laurie Gonsoulin, MLS; Jett McCann, MLS, CKM, DM/AHIP
- Student Library Assistant Training: Online Tutorials Process at Dahlgren Memorial Library [PDF]
Authors: Meghan Hupe, MSLS; Katherine Greene, MSLS; Eugennie Buckley, MS, MPA, BS; Latoya Singleton, MSW, MSCJ, MSP; Linda Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP
- Ebook QR Codes: Digital Collection Promotion with an Unanticipated Benefit [PDF]
- MLA 2015 Librarians Without Limits
- Library Return-on-Investment: Collaborating with Research Administration to Develop of Model for the Health Sciences Library in Support of Research [PDF]
Authors: Douglas L. Varner, MS, MLS, AHIP; Jennifer C. Kluge, MSM; Nancy N. Woelfl, PhD; Jett McCann, MLS, CKM, DM/AHIP; Linda A. Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP; Grant Connors, MLS
- Informatics at the Bench: Collaboration Between Researchers and Librarians to Deploy an Electronic Laboratory Notebook System [PDF]
Authors: Douglas L. Varner, MS, MLS, AHIP; Katherine Greene, MLS; Jett McCann, MLS, CKM, DM/AHIP; Linda A. Van Keuren, MLS, AHIP
- Library Return-on-Investment: Collaborating with Research Administration to Develop of Model for the Health Sciences Library in Support of Research [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2014
- Linguamatics Text Mining Summit
- Using I2E to Improve Patient Care: A Year in Review [PDF]
Author: Jonathan Hartmann, MLS
- Using I2E to Improve Patient Care: A Year in Review [PDF]
- MAC-MLA 2014: Foundations to Frontiers
- Informationist Rounding Services at GUMC [PDF]
Author: Jonathan Hartmann, MLS
- Library Return-on-Investment: Model for Establishing the Value of a Health Sciences Library in Support of Research [PDF]
Authors: Doug Varner, MLS, MS, DM/AHIP, Jennifer Kluge, MSM, Jett McCann, MLS, CKM, DM/AHIP, Linda Van Keuren, MLS, and Grant Connors, MLS
- eTextbook Pilot: Transforming Required Textbook Support [PDF]
Authors: Cyndi Campbell, Grant Connors, MLS, Jett McCann, MLS, CKM, DM/AHIP, Linda Van Keuren, MLS
- Informationist Rounding Services at GUMC [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2013
- Linguamatics Text Mining Summit
- Using I2E on Clinical Rounds to Improve Patient Care [PDF]
Author: Jonathan Hartmann, MLS
- Using I2E on Clinical Rounds to Improve Patient Care [PDF]
- MAC-MLA 2013: Renaissance on the Rivers
- Creating a Patron Driven Acquisition Model to Enhance Self Directed Learning: USMLE Test Question Bank Comparison [PDF]
Authors: Grant Connors, MLS, C. Scott Dorris, MLIS, David L. Taylor, MEd, Linda Van Keuren, MLS
- Successful Strategies for Promoting a Hospital Informationist [PDF]
Author: Jonathan Hartmann, MLS
- Systems Medicine: Conceptual Framework and Library Support for a New Institutional Training Initiative [PDF]
Author: Doug Varner, MLS, MS, DM/AHIP, Sona Vasudevan, PhD, and Jett McCann, MLS, CKM, DM/AHIP
- Creating a Patron Driven Acquisition Model to Enhance Self Directed Learning: USMLE Test Question Bank Comparison [PDF]
- MLA 2013: One Health: Information in an Interdependent World
- Going the Distance: Translating Library Support to an Online Graduate Nursing Program [PDF]
Authors: Michele Malloy, MALIS; Grant Connors, MLS; Sarah Cantrell, MALIS
- Integrating Evidence and Librarians into a Complementary and Alternative Medicine Curriculum [PDF]
Authors: Laurie Davidson, MLIS, MEd; Sarah Cantrell, MALIS; Michele Malloy, MALIS
- Interprofessional Role of Librarians in Medical Students’ Specialty Selection Process [PDF]
Authors: Sarah Cantrell, MALIS; C. Scott Dorris, MLIS
- Teaching EBP in a new Community: Nursing Faculty Development in India [PDF]
Author: Michele Malloy, MALIS
- Going the Distance: Translating Library Support to an Online Graduate Nursing Program [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2012
- 2012 AAMC Annual Meeting
- Evolving Space Functionality in an Academic Health Sciences Library [PDF]
Authors: Doug Varner, MLS, MS, DM/AHIP and Jett McCann, MLS, CKM, DM/AHIP
- Evolving Space Functionality in an Academic Health Sciences Library [PDF]
- Converting Adobe Captivate Projects to Interactive Learning Units for iOS Devices [PDF]
Author: Taeyeol Park, PhD
- Converting Adobe Captivate Projects to Interactive Learning Units for iOS Devices [PDF]
- 2012 International Congress for Educators in Complementary and Integrative Medicine
- Integrating Librarians and an Evidence-Based Medicine Course into the CAM-MS Graduate Program at Georgetown University Medical Center [PDF]
Authors: Laurie Davidson, MLIS, MEd; Sarah Cantrell, MALIS; Michele Malloy, MALIS; Hakima Amri, PhD; Aviad Haramati, PhD
- Integrating Librarians and an Evidence-Based Medicine Course into the CAM-MS Graduate Program at Georgetown University Medical Center [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2011
- AAMC 2011 Professional Development Conference for Student Affairs and Careers in Medicine: Helping Students through an Era of Change
- Envisioning New Roles for Librarians in Helping Medical Students Through the Specialty Selection Process [PDF]
Authors: Sarah Cantrell, MA in LIS; C. Scott Dorris, MLIS
- Envisioning New Roles for Librarians in Helping Medical Students Through the Specialty Selection Process [PDF]
- Capturing Lectures for Academic Continuity and Everyday Teaching [PDF]
Author: Taeyeol Park, PhD
- Capturing Lectures for Academic Continuity and Everyday Teaching [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2010
- Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2010
- Delivering Class Lectures to Students [PDF]
Author: Taeyeol Park, PhD
- Delivering Class Lectures to Students [PDF]
- MLA 2010: Reflect & Connect
- Innovative Connections to the Library User Population by Development and Continuing Education to Enhance Subject Domain Expertise [PDF]
Authors: Douglas L. Varner, MS, MLS, AHIP; Jett McCann, MLS, CKM, DM/AHIP
- Library Support for iPhone/iPod Touch Integration within a Medical School Curriculum [PDF]
Authors: C. Scott Dorris, MLIS; Michele Malloy, MALIS
- Library Support for the Experimental Medical Studies Program: Strengthening Ties to a Small Population [PDF]
Author: Michele Malloy, MALIS
- Participation in a Curriculum Enhancement Grant: Partnership with Bioinformatics Faculty [PDF]
Authors: Douglas L. Varner, MS, MLS, AHIP; Raja Mazumder, PhD; Sona Vasudevan, PhD
- Innovative Connections to the Library User Population by Development and Continuing Education to Enhance Subject Domain Expertise [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2009
- MLA 2009: iFusions
- Fusing the Informationist: Incorporating Innovative and Expanded Roles for the Informationist Model in an Academic Medical Center [PDF]
Authors: Doug Varner, MS, MLS, AHIP; Jett McCann, MLS, AHIP
- Fusing Librarians into the Georgetown University School of Medicine’s Pre-Clinical Advising Program [PDF]
Authors: Jett McCann, MLS, AHIP; Joy P. Williams; Laurie W. Davidson, MLIS, MEd; Jeanne Larsen, MLS; Douglas L. Varner, MLS, AHIP; Jeanette Calli, MS
- Library Website Redesigns: Research before Revision [PDF]
Authors: Michele Malloy, MALIS; C. Scott Dorris, MLIS; Meghan Wallace, MSLS; and the Dahlgren Web Team
- Trendspotting: Analyzing Digital Reference Services on Health Sciences Libraries’ Websites [PDF]
Authors: C. Scott Dorris, MLIS; Michele Malloy, MALIS; Meghan Wallace, MSLS
- Fusing the Informationist: Incorporating Innovative and Expanded Roles for the Informationist Model in an Academic Medical Center [PDF]
Staff Presentations 2008
- MLA 2008: Connections: Bridging the Gaps
- Linking to the Informationist: Defining New Training Models and Innovative Roles for the Liaison Librarian [PDF]
Authors: Doug Varner, MS, MLS, AHIP; Nancy Roderer, MLS, AHIP (Welch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins University)
- Practicality vs Theory: Are We Preparing Health Sciences Librarians? [PDF]
Authors: Ivonne Martinez, MLIS; Michele Malloy, MALIS
- Recreating Our Image: Medical Information Professionals as Seen from our Users’ Perspective [PDF]
Authors: Brittany Rice, MLIS, AHIP (Suburban Hospital); Laurie W. Davidson, MLIS, MEd; Michele Malloy, MALIS; Ivonne Martinez, MLIS
- Linking to the Informationist: Defining New Training Models and Innovative Roles for the Liaison Librarian [PDF]